Bivariate exponential integrals and edge-bicolored graphs, with Michael Borinsky and Maximilian Wiesmann, to appear in Le Matematiche- [arXiv:2409.18607]
Linear causal disentanglement via higher-order cumulants, with Paula Leyes Carreno and Anna Seigal - [arXiv:2407.04605]
Maximizing Slice-Volumes of Semialgebraic Sets using Sum-of-Squares Programming, with Jared Miller, Matteo Tacchi and Mauricio Velasco - [arXiv:2403.04438]
The algebraic degree of the Wasserstein distance, with Bernhard Reinke and Kexin Wang - [arXiv:2401.12735]
Chebyshev Varieties, with Zaïneb Bel-Afia and Simon Telen - [arXiv:2401.12140]
The best ways to slice a polytope, with Marie-Charlotte Brandenburg and Jesús A. De Loera, Mathematics of Computation, 94 (352), 1003-1042 (2025) - [journal|arXiv]
Intersection Bodies of Polytopes: Translations and Convexity, with Marie-Charlotte Brandenburg, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 60, 127–143 (2024) - [journal|arXiv]
Convex Hulls of Curves: Volumes and Signatures, with Carlos Améndola and Darrick Lee, In: Nielsen, F., Barbaresco, F. (eds) Geometric Science of Information (GSI 2023), 455-464. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 14071 (2023) - [journal|arXiv]
Convex hulls of surfaces in fourspace, with Kristian Ranestad and Rainer Sinn, Collectanea Mathematica (2024) - [journal|arXiv]
On smooth functions with two critical values, with Antonio Lerario and Daniele Zuddas, Revista Matemática Complutense (2024) - [journal|arXiv]
Quantum Correlations in the Minimal Scenario, with Thinh P. Le, Bernd Sturmfels, Reinhard F. Werner and Timo Ziegler, Quantum, 7, 947 (2023) - [journal|arXiv]
The Geometry of Discotopes, with Fulvio Gesmundo, Le Matematiche, 77 (1), 143-171 (2022) - [journal|arXiv]
Intersection Bodies of Polytopes, with Katalin Berlow, Marie-Charlotte Brandenburg and Isabelle Shankar, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 63, 419-439 (2022). [journal|arXiv] ~ (Corrigendum)
Fiber Convex Bodies, with Léo Mathis, Discrete & Computational Geometry (2022) - [journal|arXiv]
Real Lines on Random Cubic Surfaces, with Rida Ait El Manssour and Mara Belotti, Arnold Mathematical Journal 7, 541-559 (2021). [journal|arXiv]
on arXiv and Google Scholar
Oberwolfach report of the workshop 2312:
New Directions in Real Algebraic Geometry
DOI: 10.14760/OWR-2023-15 (2023)
Notes on volume approximation using SDP relaxations [pdf]
March 2023
Oberwolfach report of the workshop 2150:
Convex Geometry and its Applications (hybrid meeting)
DOI: 10.14760/OWR-2021-59 (2021)